Features * Operating System: Windows8, Windows 7, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, VISTA. * 23 measurement functions, PASS/FAIL Check, be suitable for technical application. * Waveform average, persistence, intensity, invert, addition, subtraction, multiplication, * division, X-Y plot. * Save waveform in the following: text file, jpg/bmp graphic file, MS excel/word file. * One computer can connect many DSO, extend channel easily. * PID/VID Second Design instance. Specifications * Memory Depth: 1M * Rise Time: 17.5ns * Time Base Precision: ±50ppm * Time Base Range: 4ns/div-1h/div (Step by1-2-4) * Input Impendence: 1M? 25pF * Input Sensitivity: 10mV/div?5V/div * Vertical Resolution: 8Bit * Vertical Position Range: 10mV ~ 5V/div @ x1 probe; 100mV ~ 50V/div @ x10 probe; 1V ~ 500V/div @ x100 probe; 10V ~ 5KV/div @ x1000 probe * DC Accuracy: ±3% * Bandwidth Limited: 20MHz * Trigger Type: Edge, Alternative * Trigger Source: CH1, CH2, EXT, EXT/10 * Math : +,-,x,÷,FFT, Invert * Cursor Measurement: Cross, Trace, Horizontal, Vertical * Auto Measurement: Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vmid, Vbase, Vavg, Vrms, Vcrms, Preshoot, Overshoot, Frequency, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width, Duty Cycle Logic Analyzer * Max. Impendance: 1M?(C=7.5pF) * Max. Voltage: 0V~5.5V * Max. Sample: 48M * Bandwidth: 10MHz * Compatible Input: TTL, LVTTL, CMOS * Memory Depth: 1M/CH